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Equipment Specialist in Functional Training Level 1 is a 1-day seminar designed to provide fitness professionals with specialised knowledge on the most essential functional training tools: the Superbands, Minibands, Aeroslings and Kettlebells. This course will allow the participants to gain knowledge on how to implement specific tools to purpose-specific workouts and understand everything around the most used functional training equipment. Participants will experience why the Minibands are ideal for strategic warmups and help on improving mobility and motor control, why the Superbands are extremely versatile to every workout and work as a resistance, assistance or as a corrective tool in specific exercises, why the Aerosling and suspended pulley training offer unmatched possibilities in fundamental movement patterns and how the kettlebells can be used for explosiveness and strength. ESFT Level 1 will allow the participants to expand their functional training toolbox, providing them with a variety of exercise possibilities, progressions and regressions, and help them become an Equipment Specialist in Functional Training.


Equipment Specialist in Functional Training Level 1 consists of a theoretical and practical part on the following fundamental key elements:

  • Learn the most effective warmup strategies with the use of Minibands and how to get your clients ready for every session.
  • Learn the different characteristics of the Superbands, Minibands, Aeroslings and Kettlebells and what makes them so special.
  • Learn different Progressions and Regressions using the Superbands, Minibands, Aeroslings and Kettlebells.
  • Master the basic exercises on all four tools and expand the exercise possibilities for your sessions.
  • Learn how to apply specific exercises according to your client’s goals and provide purpose specific sessions in functional training.
  • Move forward to more advanced exercises and learn how to apply them to specialised sessions, whether working with pros or weekend warriors.


When completing the Equipment Specialist in Functional Training Level 1 you will receive a certificate of attendance, the ESFT Level 1 T-Shirt and the official ESFT Level 1 Training Manual.


fabien mpouma  

Fabien Mpouma – Germany

Fabien Mpouma is the training and education director at Aerobis, a personal trainer and owner of Die Kiste in Siegburg. He is considered to be an expert in the field of Functional Training, sports rehabilitation, a health movement specialist, an A-licence athletic trainer and an A-licence football athletic trainer. Fabien is also a lecturer in varius training institutes like Sportlerei Academy and Academy AHAB. He is also the International Head Trainer for the aeroSling Certification Course, the blackPack Certification Course, Blackthorn Battle Ropes and Heavy Jump Ropes Certification Course and the Revvll Endless Rope Certification Course. With over 10 years of experience as a trainer and a speaker, Fabien belongs to the people who were allowed to turn their passion into a profession and educates himself regularly to be at a peak level of performance.



TIMETABLE Equipment Specialist in Functional Training – Level 1

The Miniband Warm Up – How to prepare your clients for Functional Training. Different warm up strategies for the shoulders, core and hip/pelvis

Equipment matters, but most importantly how you use it. What makes the Kettlebells, the Superbands, the Minibands and the aeroSling essential for every workout

Master the Basics – Natural Movement Patterns with different types of load (KB Goblet Squat, Turkish Get Up, Military Press, SB Pull Up, Pallof Press, Front Squats etc.)

TeMove forward – How to train the ambitious everyday-athlete (KB Swings, Snatch, Clean, aS Rotational Exercises, aS Core Exercises etc.)